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Happy Dogs Koh Chang is in 2012 opgericht door Tina Möller, een Duitse dierenvriend met een Nederlandse opa en een in Nederland geboren moeder. Sinds 2008 woont Tina al op het eiland en heeft ze zich het lot van ontelbare zwerfdieren aangetrokken. Dat heeft uiteindelijk geleid tot de oprichting van Happy Dogs. Een wat ironische naam waarmee ze vooral de lokale bevolking wil laten zien dat ook zwerfdieren wat geluk toekomt.

Het principe van het asiel is dat zij alleen ernstig gewonde of getraumatiseerde zwerfdieren opvangt. Dat doet ze in 'the Sanctuary'. Zijn de dieren opgeknapt (medische zorg, therapie, training) kunnen ze naar het 'Safe House' voor eventuele adoptie. Of om daar te blijven als ze niet voor adoptie in aanmerking komen. Bijvoorbeeld door blijvend medicijngebruik of ouderdom. Maar ook worden de honden na genezing weer vaak teruggeplaatst naar hun oorspronkelijke verblijfplaats. Naast de honden in de opvang verzorgt Tina, samen met vrijwilligers, ook nog voor zo'n 170 zwerfdieren over het hele eiland. Ze krijgen voer en indien nodig medische zorg.

Beide schuilplaatsen bieden veiligheid voor geredde zwerfhonden die anders geen kans zouden hebben om te overleven op de straten van het eiland, gedwongen om voor zichzelf te zorgen. Happy Dogs is er voor elk zwerfdier.

Naast de zorg voor de dieren is een hoofddoel van Tina om zoveel mogelijk honden te steriliseren/castreren. Om zo het probleem van zwerfhonden aan te pakken. Sinds 2017 heeft ze, samen met lokale en internationale hulp, al meer dan 3000 honden laten helpen (principe TNR = Trap Neuter/Spay & Return)!
Maar dit is alleen mogelijk met de hulp van gulle supporters die meehelpen om deze activiteiten te financieren.

Met eenmalige donaties en/of door de honden onder onze hoede te sponsoren en te adopteren. Deze dierenwelzijnsorganisatie zonder winstoogmerk werkt aan de redding van verwaarloosde, misbruikte, verlaten en gewonde dieren in Thailand - zij probeert op te komen voor degenen die dat niet zelf kunnen...

Hieronder enkele hondjes waar wij sponsors voor zoeken.
Klik op de plaatjes voor meer informatie.

[cl-popup title="Joli" show_on="image" image="49783" align="center" size="l" animation="flipVer" title_bgcolor="#dd9933" title_textcolor="#ffffff" content_bgcolor="#ededda"]We don’t know what happened to her, but it’s likely that she got hit out of cruelty by a human, probably this little stray girl stole food? Could also be from a road accident, we probably will never get to know but the impact had her left eye popping out and no one cared a dime and looked away ... she was just left like this for weeks, if not months fending for herself on the streets with this very painful injury. We call her Joli!

Joli got her eye removed on July 20.th and stays with us ever since!

Hundreds of ticks and fleas were crawling over her body and a cbc plus a snap 4 Dx were mandatory and which showed that this poor little beauty suffers also from severe anemia, as a result of e-canis and anaplasmosis, both tick borne disease. The snap test also showed heart worm disease, which is mosquito born. A long period of treatment is required and she will probably never get rid of the micro filariae.

Living a stray life for at least 2 years on the road (her microchip shows we had her ‘snipped’ in 2018) plus all her illness and health issues and now being left with one eye only she will never ever being adopted and this means that Joli’s fur-ever home will most definitely be our sanctuary.

Als jij Joli wil sponsoren dan zou dat fantastisch zijn.
Vul dan meteen even het formulier hieronder in. Geweldig bedankt namens Joli!




[cl-popup title="Lucky" show_on="image" image="49798" align="center" size="l" animation="flipVer" title_bgcolor="#dd9933" title_textcolor="#ffffff" content_bgcolor="#ededda"]

I think the name Lucky fits her very well!
She is A LUCKY GIRL, that she has been spotted in the middle of nowhere on the mountain road with no houses or humans for 3 km in each direction and where some heartless human had dumped her during the start of the monsoon rains.
After we could locate her it was extremely hard to catch her, she was very scared and tried to escape all the time which was also dangerous for her with constant weekend traffic, but finally she was so tired that after the slip lead trick failed, we’ve got her to safety with the good old calming trick - the help of a towel thrown over her head.
Lucky was brought to the vets, where a snap 4 Dx test showed positive on e-canis blood parasites but thankfully her cbc blood work done confirmed that her kidneys and liver counts were not too bad, she is anemic with a low platelet count, which came at no surprise looking at the state of her body! She is blind on her left eye, suffers malnutrition and is extremely emaciated from Human neglect. Only after a week with us at the sanctuary we found she has another, underlying health issue, the volunteers witnessed 2 first epileptic seizures, which of course were addressed immediately with proper medication. The epilepsy is probably the main reason she’s got dumped.
Thanks to the daily medication the seizures have stopped by now but it was quite a shock for all of us when it first occurred.
The video attached just shows the end of one of the seizures, it was way worse at times.
The vets say that she will have to take the meds for her lifetime, and given her blind eye, her shyness and that she snaps at people out of fear and is not that kind of a playful cute and cuddly companion, it will be almost impossible to find her a caring family.

This means that also for lovely Lucky our sanctuary will become her furever home.


Als jij Lucky wil sponsoren dan zou dat fantastisch zijn.
Vul dan meteen even het formulier hieronder in.Geweldig bedankt namens Lucky!




[cl-popup title="Rosco" show_on="image" image="49820" align="center" size="l" animation="flipVer" title_bgcolor="#dd9933" title_textcolor="#ffffff" content_bgcolor="#ededda"]

Rosco is approx. 6 years old, and a former White Sand's beach stray.
Poor boy had an accident; a car hit him and we were called by lovely caring people from near by where the accident happened. That was in early October 2016. Rosco lives with us ever since and for almost 4 years now.
We picked him up after people called us and took him at a first to the mainland vets since our only vet on the island had no xray machine at that time.
The mainland vet gave us not much hope... he could not do anything except of sending us home after xray with meds...
Same as on the island so on the mainland are the vet clinics very basic and no wonder that the quality of the xray scans had been that bad that no other vet locally and also abroad whom we asked for advice could tell us a thing.
So, we gave it another try with the highly recommended vets at Ban Kaew Animal Hospital in Chantaburi a 2 hours drive away and there we've finally got very good xray scans and these vets could clearly show and explained the irreparable damage done to his spine.
Rosco is partly paralyzed and has no use to the back of his body, he can not control his bladder and has no control if he needs to pooh.
After 4 years there still is no improvement, although a lot of reha had been and is regularly done - we know for granted that this damage is final. Our wheelchair boy will never walk again on 4 legs!
Although he is everybody’s darling, volunteers and visitors alike all love our wheelchair boy, but his chances of adoption are zero especially because he is now already 6 years old and since he can not control bladder and intestines so he has a forever home with us at the sanctuary.

Als jij Rosco wil sponsoren dan zou dat fantastisch zijn.
Vul dan meteen even het formulier hieronder in.Geweldig bedankt namens Rosco!




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