Emotionele bedankemail van Liljana Breshani - Actie 88.
Wij ontvingen een hele lange bedankbrief van Jelena voor de donateurs.
Met daarbij alle specificaties, fakturen en foto’s.
Maar in het kort komt het hierop neer:
Alle medewerkers van SAPA zijn dolblij met jullie steun. Zowel financieel als de enorme steun in de rug. Want weten dat je er niet alleen voor staat maakt een wereld van verschil!
Dear Members of Stichting Dierennood, dear Ria, dear Hanno,
I am taking this opportunity to express most sincere gratitude on behalf of Association for Saving And Protecting Animals SAPA Zenica (PAWS Zenica), for your most generous donation in amount to 3.000 Euros, that your Foundation donated to SAPA Zenica on 10 June 2017.
SAPA Zenica is enduring its most difficult times since our foundation in 2009, given the biggest ever number of animals we have in foster care, over 300 dogs and over 40 cats, and given huge public and political pressure we work under in a rather changed antagonizing political climate which was brought by elections in 2016, and which raised the level of hostility towards SAPA Zenica and atrocities committed against dogs to extremely high proportions.
We are receiving tens of calls for help every day, more animals are abandoned, poisoned to death, injured, sick, run by cars, or taken away to die without shelter and access to food and water. We continue to fight on a daily basis on the field and for our rescued animals, and we continue to fight for consistent implementation of Animal Welfare and Protection Law and for rights of all animals.
Being in such a dire need for continuous help and assistance, as well as public support and promotion of our work, makes us even more humble and grateful at your huge assistance provided to us, your lasting trust in us, and most of all your friendship and love.
Your donation enabled us to invest in more dog houses, better fences, better security for dogs, sand for ground, shades for dogs, pallets. We were also able to purchase food for dogs in amount to ca 800 Euros.
Once again, we thank you most sincerely for being by our side, for your trust and understanding. We need you on our side in future and forever.
Thank you and best wishes,